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Environment Variables

To configure and run the application, you need to set the following environment variables. The variables are divided into three sections corresponding to different parts of the project: server, client (frontend), and root directory.

Server Variables (server)

Variable NameDescriptionDefault Value
MONGO_URIMongoDB database URImongodb://localhost:27017/app
BASE_URLBase URL of the applicationhttp://localhost:3000
PORTPort on which the application runs3000
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAWS access key IDyour-access-key-id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYAWS secret access keyyour-secret-access-key
AWS_REGIONAWS regionus-east-1
AWS_BUCKET_NAMEAWS S3 bucket nameyour-bucket-name
S3_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_PATHPath to email templates in AWS S3templates/emails

Client Variables (client)

Variable NameDescriptionDefault Value
userPoolIdUser pool IDyour-user-pool-id
userPoolWebClientIdUser pool web client IDyour-web-client-id

Root Directory Variables

Variable NameDescriptionDefault Value
MONGO_URIMongoDB database URImongodb://localhost:27017/app
NODE_ENVSpecifies the application's runtime environmentdevelopment

Ensure these variables are appropriately set in your environment before running the application.